Sunday, December 26, 2010

Not Too Late for a Fake Winter NYE

If your only seeing rain, order some Insta-Snow to make your holidays (or NYE) more authentic. The kids will love this fake snow to have a fake snow fight with. I have one question, does it taste like snow?

Also, even with fake snow, if it's yellow, let it mellow (aka don't touch). Reindeer have to pee somewhere, just kidding, it's Santa's loaded bladder from all that milk he drank yesterday.

I kid, I kid. Get this snow to create a magical winter wonderland for the kids, or the romantic in your life. I haven't tested this product out personally, so send all your hate mail somewhere else if it does not come out wonderfully.

Think Playing Golf is Hard; This is Harder

Even Tiger Woods would have a hard time with this Golf Globe. The Challenge? Put the golfball on the tee. Sounds easy enough right? Wrong, so hard to do!

An old coworker owned this game, and he admitted to never being able to complete the challenge.

Spoiler Alert: One person was able to do it (I wasn't there so I'm not in total belief of this story) by flipping it over and back as swiftly as possible.

Good luck, sport fanatics!

Willa Wonka Would Be Proud. For the Augustus Gloop In Your Life

This gigantic gummy bear, brought to you by Vat19, is sure to delight any fan of Willa Wonka, food, and/or laughing. It weighs half a pound (like a small delicious baby) and is 4 inches tall, not including the handy dandy stick that makes it easy to devour.

Christmas might be over, but this gummy bear is the best kind of birthday gift-- funny and delicious. Pineapple flavor would be my preference. Yes, I'm that girl that eats all the white gummy bears from the candy dish. Astro is an amazing idea: two bites of cherry until you work your way to green apple, definitely for the adventurist types.

Buy a ton to fill up your favorite peacock candy dish. Ha ha!

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Stapler, IT'S ALIVE!


Liven up your office space with InAnimate Stickers for lots of laughs. With only $4 dollars, you get 2 sheets of eyes, noses, mouths for mugs, staplers, tape dispensers,etc.

Can you imagine all the story telling you can distract yourself with? "I'm sorry I can't work right now because my stapler, Stanley, refuses to be anywhere near my tape dispenser, Tammy, because she flirted with my scissors, Sean." DRAMA!

Now you don't need to call in sick or stay unemployed to watch daytime soap operas; instead kill your stapler then bring back your stapler as your mug's brother he never knew he had who is also married to the sexy calculator who slept with his brother mug while he was fake dead. Already confused? Yea, me too! Just go with the flow. Also, makes a great gift for a coworker with a great sense of humor.

For the Fashionista Coworker...Diamond Push-Pins!

Stumped on what to get your fashionista boss? If she is anything like Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada (for your sake, I hope not), she will adore these diamond push-pins.

They will make any boring push-pin board sparkle like Edward. Just don't be surprised if they start dissappearing; they look so real!

Just a little ice to spice up any boring board. Brought to you by GirlGiftFinder.

Calling all Jurassic Park Lovers...It's a Girl Triceratops!

So I know I have been slacking on the posts, but it is my birthday month. Plus it is healthy to do your own shopping once in awhile.

While at Universal Studios for part of my obnoxious birthday bash, I picked up this guy, Hatch-N-Grow Dinosaur Egg. Why? One I love Jurassic Park and two, it is just so intriguing. Any friend who is a fan of dinosaurs (those are the coolest type of friends by the way) deserves to grow one.

Mine is still sitting in its box. Only because I'm gathering twigs and sticks to create the perfect nest to rest this delicate egg in and then I intend to sit on it for a few days; have to get the real effect of birthing a dinosaur duh.

Yes, the sugar from birthday cake went to my brain. Ouch!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Optimistic Head (And I like it!)...

Instead of seeing grey skies, you will be walking on clouds. This EFM designed umbrella is the perfect gift for the Endless Optimist who let's face it sees clouds everyday anyhow.

They should hand out troves of this baby to everyone who lives in Seattle, since 1) it is always raining there, and 2) it has one of the highest suicidal rates.

Send a few to your friends and/or loved ones that recently moved to rain-heavy cities from California (80 degree weather in December, not to brag). They would greatly appreciate it. I know I would. Then again, the only way I'm leaving this weather is by kidnap, death, or abduction.

Say "Happy Birthday" to GirlGiftFinder With These Champagne Glasses!

Today is a great day. Not because it is my birthday and Benjamin Pratt's, but because I get to share with you these really cool, modern champagne glasses.

Liquid bubbly will never taste the same. Plus, the glasses look much more stable than typical thin stemmed glasses. This gift is definitely meant for the friend that always be spilling wine and champagne all ova the carpet and couch. Party fowl!

Since these champagne glasses look like blocks of ice, after a night of consistent toasting, you can then use it on your forehead the next morning to cure your pounding hangover. Win-win!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Take a Stab at Making a Rose Uglier

For me, I would win first place at that competition. For the artist in your life, it's easy breezy. Grab some chalk and go crazy on MoMA's chalkboard vase.

If this vase (vahse, for you proper types) gets in the wrong hands, it could get dirty/entertaining. Then again, it could be really cute if used to propose. Just place the ring on the stem in between the vase and the rose. Wow, I know what you are thinking, "GirlGiftFinder has the best ideas!"

Yes, yes I do. And you are welcome to steal them as long as you promise to leave a comment on how great it turned it out.

The Best Kind of Peacocking...Lollipop Peacock Holder

This Jonathan Adler Lollipop Peacock Holder is fashionable and delectable. Not only is it a social centerpiece, but it is creative as well. Finally, you can decorate your own peacock with a range of colors.

The price tag of $98 is pretty steep, but it is the most interesting candy dish I have seen in awhile. This is a great gift for those looking to add modern art into their home.

Plus, why stop at lollipops? I would put corndogs, kabobs, cigarettes, and anything else that comes on a stick in this peacock. It would definitely be the unhealthiest peacock on the block.

Darth Vader Would Have Flipped...Darth Vader Spatula!

Darth Vader Spatula. Photo Courtesy of Williams-Sonoma
And I thought Williams-Sonoma was a serious brand! This geekery is laughable. Debatable if Darth Vader would actually like this product- on one side, it is an honor; on another, you flip pancakes on his face. Either way, the Star Wars fanatic in your life will love it.

They really should come out with a set- Chewbacca Spatula, C3PO Balloon Whisk, R2D2 Ladle, & Yoda Pie Cake Server. It could be a hit! I would be the first in line to buy it for my dad...not me, of course. My favorite characters are the Ewoks anyhow. Stop judging. It could be worse, three words: Jar Jar Binks.

Cozy Kitty

Every cat deserves this cute, little nook to rest their eyes and dream of Mice Popsicles this season. I'm not going to lie here, I am not the biggest fan of cats; more of a dog lover, lucky for me, dogs come in kitten sizes nowadays. This cabin would be oh-so-cute for a miniature chihuahua, Yorkshire, or pig. Paris Hilton, here's looking at you and your thousands of pets.

Purchase this cardboard cabin at ModCloth to give your kitty the must-needed vacation time he or she deserves (you know cause being a cat and laying around all day is hard work).

On a personal note, I had a cat growing up; he was the most selfish pet on the planet. If he were alive today, he would walk into this spacious cabin and snobbishly purr, "eh, but where's the fireplace?" Bitch.

Stay Classy...Basketball Cufflinks

All It Needs is a Kobe Signature.
Created by Etsy user, qacreate, these fantastic cufflinks will let you look professional at work while still thinking about the game. Player play! The only thing that could get you that much closer to the game would be mini live televisions inserted into cufflinks...maybe someday. Till then, keep calm by rubbing your sophisticated cufflinks. Feel the basketball texture; take a whiff of the genuine leather. Ah, satisfying.

Quilt of Beer Pong Stains, One-Night Hook-ups, and So Much More

This College Quilt is a great reminder of some good times- some hazy.
 At CampusQuilt, you can finally get the sappy sentimentalist in your family (aka my mom)something extremely personalize and very nostalgic reminding- a quilt made out of your old college shirts, hoodies, ties, or even jeans! They can sew it all!

I just ordered one for myself (I know I'm being selfish again) to get rid of all my $40 dollar UCSB hoodies that I don't wear anymore. I would donate them, but they have shrunk to little kid sizes and little kids don't go to college last time I checked. The amazing Doogie Howser not included.

For parents, this is a great gift to surprise your kid with after their first quarter or semester in college. Include it in a care package during Finals week and your kid will literally tear up for the sentiment. All the high school shirts he or she left behind transformed into a college blanky, plus it cleans out more closet space. Score!

Monday, December 13, 2010

How to Ace Every Test...Use Flavorful Scented Pens!

Not only is this a treat for the person using the pen, but for his or her teacher and fellow classmates. Instead of the smell of BO filling the intense test taking room (most students don't shower before taking an exam. You know who you are), there will be Sugar Plum, Cinnamon, Gingerbread, and Candy Cane dancing in the noses of every test taker. 

Purchase these Holiday scented pens for teachers, writers, or as stocking stuffers.

You can't go wrong with something that smells amazing.

Tom Selleck, Watch Out!

Mustaches are taking over; mustache parties are the new party trend among college students or alumnus that can't seem to escape their college days or maybe they existed during the era of my parents, either way, be prepared. Fingerstache allows you to be the life of the party where ever you go. Bored at work? FINGERSTACHE! Waiting in line at the grocery store? FINGERSTACHE! Awkward silence at Christmas dinner? FINGERSTACHE! Ridiculousness has never been so appropriate.

My personal favorite is the Pringles looking one. Eh, the Yosemite Sam-looking one would trump them all if it were ginger.

The Selfish Gift...Baking Kits!

Whether it is whoopie pies, doughnuts, or even the traditional cupcakes, Sur La Table offers some incredible baking kits for that passionate baker you know that keeps you fat and happy. Everyone has a friend or family member that always has something brewing in the oven that creates a delicious waft in the house that cancels out any disgusting pet odors.

In honesty, this is a bit of a selfish gift- he or she bakes, and you eat. It doesn't get any better than this. To add a twist, make a date of it. You give it, you bake it, and the giftee eats it. This is especially cute in regards to couples.

Word of caution, give this gift to your giftee when you two are alone; otherwise, you will have family you didn't even know come out of the woodwork begging for a taste.

Zebra Print Never Looked So Delicious

Such a mischievous tease with her pink boa
For the fashionista friend out there (we all have one of those), I present to you the chic and loud Zebra printed high heel wine holder. This is a must-piece for those that can work zebra printed heels, and drink large amounts of wine, while dancing in the hottest new local spot.

Once you have one, girl's night will never be the same. Just be careful to not mistake this baby with an actual shoe when stumbling home from a night of pure bliss (also known as booty dancing with hot strangers, consuming pink cocktails one after the next, and regrettably taking pictures that will no doubt end up on Facebook).

Blame it on the Zebra-printed high-heel wine holder for all the craziness from last night. Hey, I do.  

Wear Your Love For McFly and Doc On Your Sleeve

Back to the Future, a cult classic, inspires the Hover Board design on this soft Men's shirt, $15.98 on Amazon. According to my brother, a kid of the 80s, "it is the perfect mixture of geeky without going overboard. I wear this shirt as soon as it comes out of the wash." So if you see a 6 foot tall, dark brunette guy walking around Los Angeles sporting this Hover Board t-shirt say what's up to GirlGiftFinder's brother, okay? And tell him the movie sucked just to see what he says (and yes, I'm one of those sisters).

Just remember to buy this great bargain for a fan of the Back to the Future Series, or even for the dedicated skateboarder who feels like a change of scenery.

Looking for something less subtle to show your passion for the movie series? Try these futuristic glasses featured in the 1985 movie that are sure to be the rage.
FORGET KANYE'S (Sorry I have to keep the Caps Lock key on when I talk about Kanye. Keeping it real). These are definitely the type of glasses to get you noticed anywhere you go. Perfect Peacocking I say. Buy these for the single man or woman in your life to rock out in Vegas, poolside.

Cupcake Candles, No Calories Included

Even the Cupcake Candle Packaging is Cute!
 Whether it is to celebrate the holidays or a birthday of a very loved one, these cupcake candles are sure to delight anyone and everyone. Etsy user, DanielleMarieRose, creates polished, deliciously-looking, and scrumptiously-smelling cupcake candles. I've already ordered four so far, one for the grandmother who has everything and three for myself (hey, being selfish takes years of practice) to decorate a vintage three tier stand my mom gave me.

These cupcake candles are adorable enough to make any grandmother, hostess, friend, and/or mother smile.

Quick tip: Danielle makes them in different colors, scents, and adds personalized packaging. Just ask, she is very accommodating.

Plus, what is great about giving candles is that nobody can ever have enough candles, and the gift eventually burns to completion. No more knickknack gifts sitting around to gather dust.

Just remember to inform the gift givee that the cupcake is in no way edible. Well, you could eat it but is wouldn't taste anything like a Sprinkles cupcake. Yum.

Vanilla, Neapolitan, and Cinnamon Cupcakes Adorn My Vintage Cupcake Stand