Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cozy Kitty

Every cat deserves this cute, little nook to rest their eyes and dream of Mice Popsicles this season. I'm not going to lie here, I am not the biggest fan of cats; more of a dog lover, lucky for me, dogs come in kitten sizes nowadays. This cabin would be oh-so-cute for a miniature chihuahua, Yorkshire, or pig. Paris Hilton, here's looking at you and your thousands of pets.

Purchase this cardboard cabin at ModCloth to give your kitty the must-needed vacation time he or she deserves (you know cause being a cat and laying around all day is hard work).

On a personal note, I had a cat growing up; he was the most selfish pet on the planet. If he were alive today, he would walk into this spacious cabin and snobbishly purr, "eh, but where's the fireplace?" Bitch.

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